A Gift of Time

Dear Salesian Family,

Gifts, gifts, gifts for everyone! Where do I start? Start with giving to yourself. Giving yourself the gift of time. Time is precious, it is something we all want and we want it now.

We only have one moment at a time and we can choose to live it to the full. This moment will never come back, another one will come but this one may swiftly pass us by. We truly want to take advantage of every moment. We want to be generous and give of what we have.

I can decide to take a moment to call a dear friend who may be homebound. Perhaps I can bake something special for my family. I can take the time to sit with my child to read a good book aloud. I can also take the time to stop and listen to my teenage child without the need to respond, comment, or even interrupt. I can simply listen attentively. I can take the time to focus on my spouse and make a conscious effort to maintain eye contact showing my deepest respect, love, and admiration. I can keep myself free of distractions and be fully attentive to what is being shared.

I can just let go of whatever is going on for me at the moment and sit quietly and open the door of my heart to listen to Jesus and what He has to say to me. I can accept this moment as it is, accept others as they are with no judgment whatsoever. I can allow Jesus to fill my heart with His love and spread it around!

I will share the priceless gift of my time! “Do you have a minute?”

I would like to thank all our families who so generously contributed to the Community Outreach Project sponsored by the Student Council, for the six families that we adopted to help celebrate Christmas.

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA