“Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14)

Dear Salesian Family,

Advent is a time of waiting and preparing; a time of waiting for the coming of Jesus into our hearts. Waiting can be difficult for us. We are currently waiting for what will happen with the COVID-19 virus; what will our governor say next, what will the CDPH have to say about the ever-changing guidelines?

No one likes to wait for something to happen. I wait for my computer to boot up and it seems like an eternity before I can even log in. I wait in line at the coffee shop and it seems like the people in front of me can’t make up their minds. I wait at the red light and it seems like forever before it turns green. For some reason, it seems the longer we wait, the slower time goes by. Everyone is waiting for Christmas, the Midnight Mass, and the fun family gatherings. It all just does not come fast enough for me...I still have to wait.

I am not used to waiting; I want it now, right now...and yet, it will all be happening soon. I have been waiting for some time to get away from the office and just kick back and relax… I know it will all come to happen; it is simply a matter of time. I have to learn to be patient and wait. Actually, I should take this time to prepare, to get ready, to get organized. I need to take advantage of the present moment and live it to the full, in joy and simplicity, taking one moment at a time.

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA

“Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary” (Isaiah 40:31).