Dear Salesian Family,

May your Christmas season be filled with a greater love and appreciation for each other. It is such a busy time of the year that we all tend to focus on the material side of this holy season. With all the hustle and bustle of the rush to buy gifts for family and friends, it is so hard to keep a firm grasp on the real meaning of what this time is all about. Perhaps it may help if when we think of giving or even getting ‘presents’, we can translate that into giving or receiving a special type of PRESENCE, to those I love.

To be present to another is not always easy especially with our kids getting so excited as they are anxiously waiting for Christmas day. Let us help them to remember the real meaning of this holy season. As we join in their joyful moment of waiting let us continue to guide them to the fact that we are waiting for the coming of Jesus into our hearts. It is so special to watch them experience the delight of this magical season. May we slow down to create happy memories for them to hold and to cherish as the years go by. It might even be a good time to go through family photos and experience the joy of sharing memories since it may not be possible to gather this year. Perhaps we can be creative by sharing your family traditions or even creating some of your own. One day they in turn will pass those traditions on to their children. There is no doubt that we want to give our children the gift of our PRESENCE! The gift of stopping for a while to laugh and play with them, to simply enjoy them!

This is exactly what Jesus wants from us. He became PRESENT among us. We receive Him in Holy Communion and He is present in a whole new way within us. God is with us! He is ever PRESENT in our family! Let us recognize Him in each other and keep Him close.

God bless you and all your dear ones. May you have a wonderful Christmas, filled with the love, peace, and joy that Jesus came to bring. May Mary share with you the tremendous joy that was hers at Christmas, and may God’s blessings make your New Year a beautiful and grace-filled year!

A Blessed and Merry Christmas,

Sr. Carmen, FMA