Month of the Rosary

Dear Salesian Families,

We are fast approaching the end of the month of the Rosary. It has been such an amazing experience to have the Rosary Nights with the children. Yesterday’s evening Rosary with our younger grades was prayed with such tender devotion. The little ones were such an inspiration to everyone present. Their innocence and true sense of prayer was so moving as they prayed one Hail Mary after another. Let us take the time to entrust all our intentions to their vibrant prayers every day. Let us entrust every child, and every person we meet to the saving patronage of Mary. Let us devote our best efforts to continue to teach our children to trust in the powerful intercession of Mary for us. Our Lady of Fatima said, “Say the Rosary every day to obtain world peace and an end to war.” (5-13-1917)They say that the Rosary is like an ancient treasure map that has led so many women and men from all different walks of life to find the treasure of serenity, peace and joy. Why not give it a try?

If you have a chance tomorrow, we will have a special Mass in honor of Our Blessed Mother at 11:00 AM. Father Paul will be our celebrant and our sixth-grade class will lead us in prayer.

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA