Virtue of the Month

Dear Salesian Family,

At the beginning of the school during our Faculty In-service days we agreed to select a Gospel value for each month that would be practiced by our students, faculty and staff. These values are to be practiced by everyone as they help to build strong interpersonal relationships. The Gospel value and virtue for this month is ‘Be Courteous’. This is one of the basic virtues that you instill in your child since their early years with simple good manners. This concept is refreshed and daily exemplified through little stories that are used at our morning assemblies for the students to capture the essence of how this virtue can be practiced in their everyday lives. It gives them a sense of positive self-worth and self-respect while empowering them to face the challenges that come across their way. It is our aim at Salesian to create happiness within our school setting. It is a welcoming smile and a caring demeanor that help our students feel safe, noticed and loved. This helps to develop their confidence in a positive and supportive environment for learning. Together, teachers, parents, and administration, work daily to deepen the root of our Catholic social teachings in our students. Thank you for partnering with us in this important task of educating your child.

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA