Do Not Be Afraid!

Dear Salesian Family,

Do not be afraid!

We often waste time being afraid. Nothing should have so much power as to take control of us in such a profound manner.

The question is, “What causes me the most anxiety and fear?”.

Everyone struggles with this and there is no shame in admitting that we feel this way. Basically, the Lord calls me to surrender; to trust! I must place all these fears and anxieties in His hands and trust that He is capable of taking care of every situation. He will certainly lift our burden and help us move forward without fear or anxiety. Both fear and anxiety can easily take over and paralyze or confuse us. Fear takes away our peace and does not allow us to focus on what is important. Let us continue to trust in God and allow Him to transform us. We are sons and daughters of God. When we take time to reflect on the fact that He is always watching over us, like a trusting son or daughter we will not be afraid.

Let us ask ourselves, what am I afraid of? Is there something I’m afraid of losing? Am I too attached to material things? Once I can face these questions with sincerity and calm then I can place them all in God’s loving care. It does not matter how challenging a situation may be, I do not need to be afraid because God is always with me! It is He who brings us peace! How do we as parents, radiate this peace-filled energy to our family?

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA