Your assignment for the week ...

Dear Salesian Family,

Your assignment for this week is, ‘Do something for yourself’!

We worry about our children, our spouse, our parents, and our extended family. Warman Hall stated that as parents “the job demands we sit in the target zone for peoples’ anxieties”. We all know that this year is already filled with extra stress that is not going to let up for a few more months.

With this understanding, my advice to you is to treat some of your weekends like a ‘mini-vacation’. See if you can sleep-in a little longer, delight in your favorite dish… go for a long family hike...spend time playing games with your family. Find something you can do for yourself to sustain your energy and continue to be effective in all that you do. What would that be for you? None of us can be everything to everyone. Take time to find what energizes you.

We have often heard it said that when feeling stressed we should reach out and do something for someone else; this can certainly be what we all need. We need to be sure that what we offer to someone else aligns with something we do well and enjoy. Maybe you enjoy coaching? Teaching skills that have been mastered? Mentoring as you listen and give guidance, or maybe even be a helper that provides hands-on support and volunteers for a specific task? This type of giving becomes less stressful and yet is very valuable to others. In all of this, be sure to pace yourself and allocate your time wisely. However, please remember it won't be beneficial if you take on too many things at once. Rather, choose one day out of the week to render some sort of service to an individual or a group and enjoy the experience.

Doing things like these will boost your happiness and energy. Don’t let go of taking time for yourself and know that this is not being selfish at all; it is being wise and prudent to provide self-care that we all need so badly, especially at this time. Let us be faithful in responding to God’s will so that we will be the best ‘self’ we can be; the most genuinely joyful self we can be!

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA