Remembering Those Who Go Before Us

Dear Salesian Family,

The month of November carries with it a number of wonderful feasts. First, we have All Saints Day, when we honor all the Saints whom we believe intercede for us before God. Second, we have All Souls Day when we commemorate our loved ones who have gone before us. This month is a great source of consolation and hope as it is dedicated to the remembrance of the Saints and all who have passed from this life of faith and trust into eternal life. We know that life is a gift from God and that it is not how long we will live but the quality of life that we live that is important. As a great Roman philosopher once said, “It is quality, rather than quantity, that matters.” Seneca

The Church teaches that the most important spiritual work of mercy is a prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. It is our prayers, sacrifices, and Masses that assist our loved ones in their final reward. We are sending home a slip of paper entitled Prayer for Loved Ones, so that families can write down the names of relatives and friends that have gone to their eternal reward. These recorded names will be placed in our Chapel and remembered in a special way every day during the Sisters’ morning Mass throughout the month of November. 

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA

Eternal rest grant unto them oh Lord,                                                                

  and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.