Be Courteous

Dear Salesian Family,

We have started our first week of full days on campus. The children come to class happy and eager to be with their friends and get down to business with their teachers. By the end of the day, they are tired and ready to go home to rest. It will take a couple of weeks to re-establish a routine and get them back on track. Monday was a challenge, but today, Thursday, we can already see a difference in your children's demeanor. Their energy level is up, and they actively engage in all their classes until the end of the day. Hopefully, your children will complete their assignments early so they have time to play and enjoy the outdoors followed by a good supper, shower, and ready for bed. Once this routine is established your mornings will be a wonderful experience for everyone.

I would like to invite you to join us in practicing the virtue of this month, ‘Be Courteous’. Every day during our Morning Assembly I have a little story for the student body that I link to the virtue of the month. To be courteous is to practice good manners, to be polite and graciously considerate toward others. I have encouraged our students to be kind and polite first of all to themselves. It is important that we give ourselves the courtesy of taking good care of ourselves, our physical as well as our spiritual and mental health. It is to our advantage to spend time doing things that will bring us peace and serenity. It is good to let go of things that I can’t control; to let go of worry about what others are thinking. Share your thoughts with a trusted friend and take your concerns to prayer. Place them in the hand of Our Blessed Mother and let her take care things for you. Yes, this is being kind and courteous to yourself. Then you can extend this courtesy to others.

God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change;

the Courage to change the things I can,

and Wisdom to know the difference.

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA