“Soft Start”

Dear Salesian Family,

This is a powerful moment in our Salesian School history when we return on campus as an entire student body this coming Monday, October 5th. We have felt the tremendous support of our Task Force as our school moved toward ensuring that all safety protocols were in order before our students' Re-entry after a long, long, long time of Home Learning. There is no doubt that our teachers did a magnificent job of supporting our students’ academic progress and spiritual development.

We feel that we have enlarged our global footprint in the community with all the timely and creative entries in social media, thanks to our Marketing Team. In the first week of our ‘Soft Start’, we received at least six phone calls from parents who are interested in registering their children at Salesian!

When Home Learning started, many of our parents became more aware than ever, of all the ways our traditional school environment supports your children, in addition to teaching the daily lessons. Now that we have returned to on-campus school, our teachers are intentionally stressing important student skills such as planning, focusing attention, remembering instructions, and successfully juggling multiple tasks. We know that these skills are crucial for academic development while empowering the child with positive behavior to make healthy choices for themselves and others. It has been a while since your child has made in-person school a part of their daily routine. It will take time to adjust to their class schedules, as they become accustomed to the flow of their day. With your help and our teacher’s consistent dedication, there is no doubt that our children will bounce back into the daily routine with joy and enthusiasm for learning.

As we begin this month of Our Lady of the Rosary, let us remain united in prayer to Our Blessed Mother who is indeed powerful in protecting all her children. May we keep an upbeat spirit filled with faith and hope, knowing that God will continue to see us through a successful and joy-filled school year.

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA

When we are no longer able to change a situation,

we are challenged to change ourselves.

Viktor Frankl