Practicing Courtesy

Dear Salesian Family,

Last week I shared the virtue we are practicing as a school family this month: to ‘Be Courteous’! Courtesy is showing politeness in our attitude and our actions toward others. In asking the children today, “What does it mean to be courteous?”, students responded that it means to be kind to others, to express the politeness we expect others to have toward us; how right they are!

Now let me ask you these questions: When was the last time someone held the door open for you?, or How often does someone say, "Please", or "Thank you”? How often does someone interrupt you while you are speaking? While courtesy is not entirely extinct, it’s becoming increasingly more challenging to find it in our world today.

It is important that we transmit these simple values and skills to our children. They will embrace them if we take the time to practice and reinforce them every day. Eventually, they will become a part of our children's everyday lives. These values can begin in simple ways such as greeting a person, instead of just passing them by; or helping someone carry a heavy load. We were taught by our parents and they became a part of us. Let us do the same for our children. They will then show this respect for each other and to the people they meet.

It is our desire to continue instilling these values to all who attend Salesian. The children will learn as we continue to model these behaviors, skills and values for them.

I would like to take this opportunity to ask for your prayers for the family of Joe and Stacy Clima. Stacy’s parents were in a very serious car accident in Florida. Her dad did not survive the accident and her mom was in critical condition in intensive care. I believe she is still in the hospital, although she has now returned to a regular room. May God grant Stacy’s dad eternal rest and bring healing to her dear mom. Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary, protect them and bring comfort and peace to the family.

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA