Our Anchor of Hope

Dear Salesian Family,

There are so many things in life that we cannot change. We know that life will continue to present challenges that are beyond our control; challenges that we simply cannot change. However WE, as individuals, can change! We can keep on going, no matter what the situation is. Regardless of what is going on in the world around me, I can always turn to Jesus and find comfort in the peace and quiet of my heart.

Let us intentionally take a positive attitude and know that there is Hope in the future that lies ahead. We need to be proactive and face the challenges with a faith-filled heart. We need to trust in a loving God who knows all our needs. If we lose hope, everything falls apart.

As people of faith, we do not place our hope in politicians, stimulus checks, or even the vaccine. Our hope is in God, our loving Father; our anchor of hope. It is our responsibility to model this for our children and speak to them about a loving God who watches over us at all times. We also should reach out to others and reciprocate the tangible experience of God’s goodness in our lives. We are called to support one another with positive, joyful expressions of the many things God has done for us. This will anchor us and give us perspective to increase our own hope and the hope of those around us.

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA