Dear Salesian Family,

Happy New Year!

Pope Francis gave a very moving New Year’s message. He voiced thanks to those “who strive everyday to carry their family and their service to the common good forward to the best way possible…” He pointed to the work carried out by doctors, nurses, volunteers, and healthcare workers throughout the pandemic, saying these are the people who are on the frontlines, and because of this, “they are always in our prayers and deserve our gratitude…” We have so much to be grateful for. He prayed that God’s mercy may always be with us, Him we have hoped.”

Salesian Elementary and Junior High will continue to enforce a 14-day quarantine out of an abundance of caution to our school community. In addition, our local hospitals are treating an unprecedented number of coronavirus patients. Local COVID-19 cases have surged since Thanksgiving, and impacts from Christmas and New Year's celebrations are still unfolding.

We as a Salesian Family and as a community as a whole, have an obligation to help protect one another and slow the further spread of this virus.

You may have been exposed to COVID-19 in your travels or during holiday gatherings. You may feel well and not display any symptoms, but you can still spread the virus to others. You and your travel companions (including children) may pose a risk to your family, friends, and community after you have traveled or family/friends have traveled to visit you.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) currently still recommend a quarantine period of 14 days after a COVID-19 known exposure or potential exposure, based on estimates of the upper bounds of the COVID-19 incubation period.

We ask that the beginning of this week will mark the start of limiting your family’s exposure. Let us stay at home as much as possible and to stop mixing between households. This will provide a safer return to on-campus learning. In keeping our own families safe we extend this same respect toward our school family.

It is of utmost importance that you notify our school office if your child requires an extended period of time to self-quarantine.

With the rigorous safety protocols, we have instituted and implemented our campus and have been very successful in maintaining a healthy and safe environment for our students and staff. Thank you for your continued vigilance in helping to keep our campus open and thriving.

Thank you for your understanding! May you and your family receive all the special blessings that you need during this New Year! Count on our continued prayers for you and your family.

God bless!

Sr. Carmen, FMA