Take Heart

Dear Salesian Family,

God is always looking out for us and creating special moments that perhaps are not visible to us in the midst of all that is going on in our lives at this time.

Some of our families and friends have been evacuated, and we are all exposed to the poor air quality and the heat that has blanketed our community: all during a global pandemic! Do not feel badly if you are overwhelmed – how can we not be? We are juggling a lot – with jobs, budgets, extended family situations, and our own personal lives, etc. All of these things have caused us to step back from the normal rhythm of life.

Take heart. This little prayer from St. Francis de Sales is so timely, - The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you today and every day. He will either shield you from suffering or will give you unfailing strength to bear it. 

Let us keep listening to, and supporting each other. Let us not allow people in our lives to drift away because we are trying to find answers to all that is going on around us. Communication is much more important now, than ever. Now is the time to go beyond the walls of my home and reconnect with those I love.

As our students are practicing the virtue for this month, to ‘Be Friendly’, let us also take time to reach out and check on our neighbors and friends, offering our support in any way we can. We can offer a gentle word and our prayers, which are a powerful witness of our faith to others. Even as we gather in virtual meetings, we have literally brought each other into our offices, living rooms, and even our gardens. Let us continue to let them know they have always been in our hearts! Give them a call and take the time to whisper a prayer together, pray for each other, and the needs of all those around us who are suffering in some way. Let us allow our prayers to embrace everyone. Let peace reign in our hearts and let us spread it to others with the joy of a missionary disciple of Jesus!

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA