Season of Lent

Dear Salesian Family,

It is that time of the year when we begin to get ourselves ready for Lent. In speaking with our students this morning at assembly, I shared with them the importance of taking time to reflect and see how we can enter into the holiness of this penitential season. It is certainly not enough to just say, “Oh, I am not going to eat chocolate candies during Lent” or I will stay away from eating sweets, or keep from drinking sodas… Fasting does not always have to be about food; it can also be about denying ourselves something that might be getting in the way of  getting closer to Jesus. We can fast from making negative remarks about someone or something, or perhaps fasting form engaging in gossip… Self-denial can be difficult and sometimes we slip, but what counts is that we keep trying and pray for strength to have the courage to begin again.

As we begin this holy season of Lent, let us take the time to approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It will give us the spiritual boost that we need to carry our daily crosses.

Many of our parishes hold Reconciliation services during Lent. Let us make sure to save the date and participate as a family in this spiritual renewal and obtain for ourselves peace of mind and heart and true inner joy.

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA