God is Love

Dear Salesian Family,

When we think of the month of February, what day comes most readily to mind? Some may think of Presidents’ Day and the long weekend it usually brings with it. But I believe that most people, children included, would not hesitate to say, “St. Valentine’s Day” --with or without the “Saint” part. They may not be aware that in ancient times there really was a saint by the name of Valentine, a Bishop, who died a martyr for the love of Jesus. How his name has been given to the multitude of greetings we call “valentines,” no one really knows; perhaps not even St. Valentine himself.

The word “LOVE,” in our day and age, has been applied to a vast number of things—from one end of the spectrum to the other. During this month when LOVE is being featured everywhere, we must make sure not to forget the incredibly wonderful fact that, in the Bible, God is defined as “Love.” St. John tells us plainly that “God is love,” and that “all who abide in love, abide in God, and God in them.” (1 John: 4)  

Time is passing by so quickly and we are just about ready for our “Preliminary Visit” from our accreditation Team. God willing, they should be here on Monday, February 10th. We are proud to say that we have worked very hard to make sure that our final document would truly speak to who we are at Salesian. The Visiting Committee will be here to receive the final document and to meet the faculty and get acquainted with our school setting. The purpose of our school accreditation is to provide us with a periodic opportunity to examine and assess the ways in which our students are learning, and our school’s involvement in the learning process. We feel confident that the Committee will be pleased with their findings. Let us keep this process in prayer as we get closer to the day of the visit.

God bless!

Sr. Carmen, FMA