New Year's Resolutions

Dear Salesian Family,

May you have a truly happy, blessed New Year! This is my heartfelt wish for all of you. Why is it that typically there is so much rejoicing as we bid farewell to the old year and welcome in the new? Isn’t it because everyone loves a chance to wipe the slate clean and make a brand-new start? Many are moved to examine their lives and make plans for improvement in various areas, from material things like losing weight or learning to use our new phone, to spiritual goals like becoming more prayerful or charitable or forgiving.

This, is what we call “making New Year’s Resolutions,” isn’t it? What could be more positive? And yet, New Year’s Resolutions don’t enjoy a very good reputation. They have become almost a joke; why? Maybe because they tend to have a very short life span. In almost no time, the marvelous list begins to be neglected and soon falls into oblivion.

What went wrong? One thing is the tendency to make the list much too long. Who in our busy and hectic world would have the stamina to remember, much less accomplish, a long list of diversified goals? If we focus on one single important resolution for ourselves and one for our children, our New Year’s Resolutions may stand a chance of success. 

Again, I wish you a wonderful New Year. One thing is certain--God’s measureless, merciful, and provident love will be with us each and every day. Together with Mary, our Mother, we will see this New Year filled with many blessings for ourselves and others. 

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA