Take Time To Pray

Dear Salesian Family,

Today in our liturgical calendar we take time to honor Our Blessed Mother under the title of Mary Immaculate. She was a woman of faith not just to be a mother but the Mother of God! It was all a mystery to her and yet she said, yes to the angel’s invitation from God. Mary has so much to teach us. We too are called to bring Jesus to others.

There are times during our lives that we go through some strong experience that causes us to stop and take notice of what just happened. It forces us to pay attention to every detail of what we went through. Often, we are challenged by these moments to reflect on our reaction to the situation. Did I take time to turn to God? Why is it that I can’t remember the last time I set aside a space in my day to pray? Not just a moment in which I cry to God for help out of desperation, but a time that I dedicate only to God. He and I in conversation. How long ago was that? How did I find the time? Where was I? What was it like? Why so long ago?

Prayer helps us to put things into perspective. We begin to see things differently. If we notice, our manner of prayer has changed. We hear ourselves praying in a different way as when we were children. We have a different relationship with God. Prayer is the key to peace. How can I pass this on to my children, to my family? With so much going on in our world today, it is important that we remember that God is with us. He sent His only son to redeem the world. This is the time when the holy season of Advent provides us with the opportunity to renew our prayer life. It is the time to encourage our family to turn away from a materialistic world and focus on the meaning of this holy season. It is a time to change, to renew our choice to be Catholic. God is with us! He is present at every moment of our lives. Our conversation, our prayer with Him will help to fill us with the peace that He alone can bring into our hearts, into our homes! Let us invite our family to join us in prayer no matter how simple or how brief, it is the ‘glue’ that will keep us together in happiness and peace. There is strength in numbers! Let us pray together, ‘Come Lord Jesus!’

God bless!

Sr. Carmen, FMA