“Be not afraid; I go before you always!”

Yes, Jesus is always with us. As we keep moving into this new year, we inevitably have some concerns and questions about what this year has in store for us; what challenges await us. It is our relationship with Jesus that becomes the one place where I can share all my fears and concerns and know that I am not alone! No, I am never alone, no matter what comes my way. 

There are wonderful experiences of family and joy that will certainly come, and of course, challenges that only make me turn to Jesus who came on earth to give me an example of trust and faith in God; our loving Father. Let us keep the faith and be convinced that He walks right by our side all the time. 

May we never become discouraged. We know that things are constantly changing and yet we know that the love of God for us never changes! His love is unconditional. We can always trust that whatever comes our way has a purpose. Nothing happens by chance. We can rest securely in his loving arms knowing that He who brought us into this world has a plan for us to follow. His presence in our life is what gives us the courage to keep on going, in spite of difficulties that may come our way. 

It is the Holy Spirit that will inspire us to keep moving forward in faith and love. We are not alone! The Spirit’s gift of peace will be within us if we keep an open and sincere relationship with Jesus. Let us learn to speak to Him often throughout our hectic day. Your children at Morning Assembly say the Morning Offering every day. I encourage you to join us from wherever you are and offer your day to God who will bless your every moment. I am attaching a copy of the prayer for you to print out and keep in a special place. Post it on your mirror, your refrigerator, or your car, and know that the daily prayers of your children will continue to accompany you throughout your day. Jesus is with us; He will never abandon us. We are not alone! He calls and waits for us to respond. He will always be there to restore our strength and hope. (Christus Vivit2 - a post-synodal apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis) 

God bless!

Sr. Carmen, FMA