A Time to Celebrate God's Goodness

Dear Salesian Family,

This time of year presents us with so many opportunities. This is a time to reflect and express our gratitude and show our appreciation for so many blessings we have received. Let us share the joy of these blessings with those around us, starting with our immediate family.

In the midst of the disruptions and challenges we have encountered this year, there is still so much to celebrate once we take the time to look around. We need to take time to pause, share our experiences, and take time to celebrate them. These simple moments guide us to turn to our loving Father who continually watches over us.

We have focused so much of our time and energy to simply be able to function. If we step back and take a good look, we can see our challenges as blessings in disguise. What a striking difference we have made by holding fast to our faith and moving forward with trust in a God who loves us unconditionally.

Let us continue to trust and support each other on this journey of faith. May we remain persistent in moving forward by encouraging everyone around us to focus on God while in turn making each other’s load lighter to carry. Thank you, God, for all your blessings upon me and my family!

God bless,

Sr. Carmen, FMA

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