A Tiny Bit About Grading.....
/Hello Folks,
You will see that we are starting to send home some papers. This time of year I am doing a lot of assessment. I keep some papers for us to have for review in the future. I watch and take pictures of progress we are making on white boards and activities that we play inside and out.
For the most part you will see papers come home with a sticker, smiley face or a number score. Stickers and smiley faces mean that they did the work and it is a pass. Great job! Sometimes you will see me mark a number 0-4. These are just small daily tasks that I am checking. You will see scoring in multiples of four if we worked on several pages (for example several pages of patterns) and I combined those scores.
4=perfect for a Kinder
3=some mistakes or needed help but on track
2=they needed personal one on one but made effort OR missed the boat entirely but tried
0=no effort was made
Soon you may see papers that are just their own enjoyment, drawings or crafts. These will say “Free Draw” or “Extra” on them. These are things that they want me to knowledge but are not classwork.
Mrs. Shannon Lenz