1st Grade News + Updates - Week of August 26th - August 30th
/Hello 1st Grade Families!
We’ve moved on to our third week of school, and the last week of August!
This week we have Back to School Night on Wednesday August 28th at 7:00 PM. I look forward to seeing you all then, and going over what will be an incredible 1st Grade year!
Your child’s Spelling words this week are: let, name, now, seem, sleep, told.
There will be a spelling test on Friday! I was so impressed with how hard each child worked last week to do well on their test. Let’s keep it up!
Next Monday Sept. 2nd there will be NO SCHOOL, in honor of the Labor Day holiday.
The following Tuesday Sept. 3rd is our first day of Swimming in PE! Items your child will need are listed below:
-one piece (girls) or board shorts (boys)
-swim cap (girls)
-flip flops or pool sandals
-swim bag to keep it all in!
Math homework this week will continue our work on incoming 1st grade number concepts: patterns, making 10 with number bonds, and skip counting.
This Friday August 30th is a minimum day. Carpool will be at 12:00 PM.