1st Grade News + Updates: Week of October 29th - November 1

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for your patience during these interesting times! We are all working hard to make sure your child is comfortable and not feeling stressed despite the field trip change and power outages.

This week there will be NO HOMEWORK OR SPELLING. Due to the short week, Halloween, and myself being absent 10/30-11/1, I will not be sending homework or giving a test on Friday. You are more than welcome to use k-5learning.com or other websites you find to supplement work for your child if you choose to.

The Halloween Carnival will be on Thursday! It is also a minimum day. Carpool @ 12pm, with NO aftercare. Have a fun night!!

Friday - All Saints Day Mass! Please make sure your child wears their full dress uniform.

I look forward to being back next Monday already - Have a wonderful week, and please contact Mrs. Lobue or Sr. Carmen if you need anything in the meantime! Thank you!

-Mrs. Settles