1st Grade News + Updates - Week of November 12th - November 15th
/Hello Parents!
I hope you enjoyed your nice, long weekend! We are back to school, and it’s a new trimester. With the first trimester of school ending, we are approaching Parent Teacher Conferences next week. I will be sending out the schedule this week based upon your prefences you returned in your child’s red homework folder. Please get those slips to me ASAP so I can plan accordingly!
Spelling Words: can, bed, rock, fox.
Please remember to “Be a Hunger Hero!”, and bring in a bag of food/groceries for someone in need. We’d also love to have each student donate $5 to our class container for the Second Harvest Food Bank. $5=20 meals!
Tomorrow 11/13 is free dress for $1! (Monday 11/18 is also free dress for $1)
This Thursday 11/14 Salesian is holding a Bake Sale!
This Friday 11/15 is the Turkey Trot!!! Can’t wait to see our 1st graders run to earn money for their school!
Monday 11/25 - 1st Grade/TK/Kinder Thanksgiving Friendship Feast! More info to come!
Return to our blog here for more updates throughout the week :-)
Have a great week! - Mrs. Settles