Third Grade News and Homework for the Week of October 22, 2018
Dates to Remember
10/23: Rosary Night at 7:00 PM. Please join us!
10/25: Sandwich Thursday, make an extra lunch on Wednesday night 1/24 and bring it to school on Thursday, October 25. All students received a lunch bag!
10/26: No School/Teacher in Service
10/30: Picture Day! Full dress uniform
10/31: Halloween Carnival/Students may wear black and orange/Noon Dismissal
11/01: All Saints Day Mass at 11:00 in chapel. Students will be coming home with Saint quote that needs to be memorized by next week Monday, October 29.
11/05: Last day to take AR tests on books read.
11/06: Night of the Arts at 7:00 PM. Students should wear their Sunday best and be here by 6:50 PM. All poems must be memorized by next week Tuesday, October 30.
11/06: End of 1st trimester
Homework for the Week of October 22, 2018
Spelling: Focus this week is Plural Words. Make sure you practice at least 5 words per night until mastered. Write them 3 times each, say them aloud and spell them aloud when writing them. Cover them, spell them, then check for accuracy. Packets due Thursday, October 25, because there is no school on Friday. Spelling test is also Friday.
Math: Multiplication and Division X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, and X10 should be mastered or close to mastery.
Practice, Practice, Practice!!!
Monday 10/22: Math sheet X2 and X3.
Tuesday 10/23: Math Sheet X3 and X4
Wednesday 10/24:Math Sheet X4 and X5
Reading: Memorize poem and saint quote! This can be counted as your 20 minutes of reading. Don’t forget your AR goal for the 1st trimester. Last day to take an AR test is Monday,November 5.
AR Goal: ____________ AR Points to Date: ___________
AR Points Needed to Make Goal: __________