Third Grade News and Homework for the Week of November 12,2018

Third Grade News and Homework for the week of November 12, 2018

This week is Parent/Teacher Conferences! Attached you will find your conference time. If you did not return your availability slip I chose a date and time for you that I hope is convenient. I would like students to come to their conferences.


Wednesday,November 14- Friday,November 16, are Noon Dismissal and there is no aftercare available.


Second Harvest Food Bank Drive:

Remember to bring in your bag of food and $1.00 for our class fund to be given to the drive. Last day to bring food and your $1.00 is Monday, November 19.

Recyclables: Bring in your recyclables on Wednesday and Thursday this week to raise money for Second Harvest Food Bank.

Free Dress: Monday, November 19, is a FREE DRESS DAY for $1.00. You may have FREE DRESS on Monday, November 19, if you bring in a $1.00! That $1.00 goes to Second Harvest Food  Bank


Accelerated Reading: New AR goals have been set for the second trimester. Students will receive their new goals at their conferences.


Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving Day Mass is on Tuesday, November 20 at 11:00! This is a half day and begins our Thanksgiving Day Break. School will resume on Monday, November 26.


NO SCHOOL: Friday, November 30, 2018

Homework for the Week of November 12, 2018

Spelling: Spelling focus words with long O. Unit 3/Lesson 13.

Packet due this Friday, November 16th and spelling assessment is also on Friday, November 16th. Review your spelling pretest and study the words that are misspelled. Write your words at least 3 times each, spell them aloud as you write them. Mastered 5 words per night.


Math: Focus Multiplication and Division! Please find your math vocabulary words and memorize them for an assessment on Friday, November 16.

Tuesday 11/13: Finish Exercise 12/pp. 96-97. Due tomorrow 11/14.

Wednesday 11/14: Exercise 14/pp. 100-101. Due tomorrow 11/15.

Thursday 11/15: Exercise 15/pp. 102-103. Due tomorrow 11/16.

Make sure you have mastered your multiplication facts X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 and X10. Division will be more difficult if you do not have your multiplication facts mastered.


Reading: Mr. Popper’s Penguins

Tuesday 11/13: Reread Chapters 3-4 and complete the questions for the chapters in your Mr. Popper’s Penguin packet. Due tomorrow 11/14.

Wednesday 11/14: Reread Chapter 5 and complete chapter 5 questions in your packet. Due tomorrow 11/15

Review chapters 1-5 in Mr. Popper’s Penguins there will be an assessment on chapters 1-5.


Students must bring back their book and packet everyday or receive an incomplete for the day in reading.