Third Grade News and Homework for the Week of October 15, 2018

Third Grade News and Homework for the Week of October 15

Reading and Social Studies

We will be completing our unit on Communities of the Middle Ages this week. Students will be writing a personal narrative as a boy or girl of the Middle Ages.

Boys decide whether to be of noble birth and take the path of page, squire and knight or be not of noble birth and become an apprentice and learn a trade.

Girls will decide whether to allow their father to make a marriage for them or go into the convent and become a nun. This week students will be exploring the importance of the Church during this time, how people were punished if found guilty of a crime, and how communities changed after the devastation of the plague.

Please make sure your child has their 8X10 inch picture frame by tomorrow.  We will be starting our stained glass windows. It is a two step process, so the  project will conclude on Friday, October 19. Picture frames can be purchased at the dollar store.


Students have concluded the unit on addition and subtraction and have now begun to explore multiplication and division. Please begin to practice and master the multiplication facts through 12. It is imperative to memorize these facts because when we begin fractions it is skill that will be utilized.

Accelerated Reader

Students will have the opportunity to take AR tests through Monday, November 5. All books read have an AR test. Remember Accelerated Reading is 20% of students reading grade.


Students should be writing 5 words per night three times each. As students write the spelling words they should be spelling the word aloud also.  Each night at least 5 words should be mastered before moving on to the next five.

Mark your calendars

  • Wednesday, October 17: SPA Meeting at 7:00 PM. Childcare will be provided.

  • Tuesday, October 23: Rosary Night from 7:00-7:45. Students should be here no later than 6:50 PM dresse in their Sunday best.

  • Friday, October 26: No School Teacher In-service

  • Wednesday, October 31: Halloween Carnival! Noon Dismissal! Students may wear orange and black Halloween accessories!

  • Thursday, November 1: All Saints Day Mass/Third Grade will be celebrating this Mass with the school. Mass at 11:00!

  • Tuesday, November 6: End of 1st Trimester! Night of the Arts at 6:45 to about 7:45.


Homework for the Week of October 15, 2018

Spelling: This week our spelling focus is more Short /I/ Words.Packet is due on Friday, October 19. Spelling Assessment also on Friday, October 19. Please master 5 spelling words per night.


Math: We begin Multiplying and Dividing.

Monday 10/15: Multiplication worksheets/3 per night (X1 and X2) and then a combined sheet of X1 and X2.

Tuesday 10/16: Multiplication worksheets (X2 and X3) and then a combined sheet of X2 and X3.

Wednesday 10/17: Multiplication worksheets (X3 and x4) and then a combined sheet of X3 and x4.

Thursday 10/18: Multiplication worksheets  (X4 and X5) and then a combined sheet X4 and X5.


Reading: Students need to read every night for a minimum of 20 minutes and log time on Reading Logs. Students will have an opportunity to take AR tests on Thursday, October 18.

Poems for the night of the arts will be going home tomorrow! All poems should be memorized by Wednesday, October 24.