/Welcome Kinder Families!
I am so excited that we are very much on this adventure together! I will be wearing my “Mrs. Lenz Hat” as your teacher and my “Shannon Hat” as your peer and Mama to Gigi. Personally I am a parent of three students here at Salesian (one at St. Francis) and teacher to 26! As we all “Dive Into Kinder” I promise to both teach and love your child as well as walk with you on your parenting journey. I will help all children grow and develop emotionally, socially, spiritually, physically and academically! Here we go....
It is my goal for students to develop a love of learning and a love for God. My intentional plan for this school year is for all my students to have the skills to become lifelong learners. My curriculum and classroom is designed so students have the opportunity to develop in the areas of social emotional needs, language and literacy, math, science, social studies, faith, sport and arts.
It is important for us to work as a team to ensure your child’s success. If you ever have any questions, concerns or other important information that you believe I should know, please do not hesitate to contact me. The best way to reach me is by email because as you can guess I have my hands full during the day. An email will pop-up on my computer and/or phone. It is also very practical to call Mrs. LoBue for same day issues.
Please take a moment to read through the school handbook. If you have any questions about the Salesian handbook, my classroom or our policies, please ask. This is on our website.
First Day of School - Monday, August 15th
All parents are welcome to come for a quick drop-off at the classroom before assembly. Assembly begins at 7:50 and we will be on the move to the cafeteria before that!
Items to bring the first day of school:
Refillable Water Bottle (with their name on it)
A healthy snack for recess
School supplies if not already dropped off at Luau
First Week of School Schedule:
Monday - minimum day, pick-up @ 12:00pm
Tuesday - minimum day, carpool @ 12:00pm
Wednesday - full day, carpool @ 3:00pm
Thursday -full day, carpool @ 3:00pm
Friday -full day, carpool @ 3:00pm
Week One Action Notes:
Students will need water, snack and full lunches starting on Wednesday! Please send lunches that are healthy with several options for protein, fruits/veggies and fiber that you know your child likes and will eat. My suggestion is that you pack one single serving of treat, if any at all for after lunch. If children are getting “hot lunch” please make sure it is something that they will eat and still send in a substantial snack. It is in our best interest (yours and mine) that they eat well on their long days here and eat in a manner that helps them think, play and encourages good gut health.
Wednesday is our first full day with “Siesta” naptime. Nap Mats are for sale in the school office for $45.00. Please purchase and send in Nap Mats ASAP clearly labeled with first names. Mats go home on Fridays to be washed and returned on Monday. NO stuff animals, sleeping bags or extra bedding. If you do not yet have a mat, please send in a small blanket (smaller than a beach towel) and an optional small pillow. We aim to have all kids on the same style mats ASAP.
Please send an extra pair of blue pants, underwear, and socks in a zip lock bag labeled with their name. I will keep this at school for the school year just in case there may be an accident. Accidents happen in and near the bathroom, at lunch, at play, at art, when it rains…there are plenty of opportunities that we will be glad to have a change on hand. Please talk to your child and encourage them now that accidents happen. Mrs. Lenz, Mrs. LoBue and others will lovingly help them as needed. Please, please let me know if children are having accidents that we do not notice easily.
Please label everything! (For example: clothing, backpacks, water bottles, & lunch box) First names are easiest for this age group!
Lastly, please send me an email if your child has any allergies or if there is anything that you would like to share about your child or family. It is easiest for a parent to explain to me personal and family matters. Let’s keep in mind that our “middle man” is five or six years old! A wise teacher once told me, “You believe half of what they tell you about me AND I will believe half of what they tell me about you.”
I hope you have a wonderful week!
God Bless,
Mrs. Shannon Lenz