Weekly Update 2/24/2020
/Good morning parents,
A few updates for this week:
Tomorrow morning, 6:30-7:45 we will be hosting our annual Mardi Gras Pancake Breakfast. Student who attend the breakfast are permitted to wear free-dress in the colors purple, yellow, or green. If your student does not attend the breakfast, it will be a regular dress-uniform day.
Wednesday, February 26th, we will be having our Ash Wednesday Liturgy in the chapel at 11:00. This is usually a P.E. day, but since we have mass please make sure your student wears their dress uniform. If you are available, please join us. All are welcome!
I wanted to send a quick heads-up for our kindergarten parents: unfortunately, our math Activity Books are on back order. Until we receive them, please do not worry about completing those designated pages of the homework this week. I have included a worksheet I had the kids do last week, as a review. I will look for supplemental materials for homework for next week until our books come in. Thank you for your understanding.
Finally, I wanted to send a reminder that we have our Night of the Arts event coming up next Tuesday, March 3rd from 7-8 pm. The students have been working so hard on some special poems, a song, and beautiful art pieces to show you. It is important that every family makes an effort to attend, as our poems are done in groups. We will be sending home an invitation with details later this week.
As always, please do not hesitate to email me with any questions. Have a wonderful week,
Miss Jones