Weekly Update 1/27/2020
/Good afternoon parents!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend- I apologize for my lack of response to emails last week, unfortunately I came down with the flu and was out for the last half of the week.
As you are aware, this week is catholic schools week! We sent home a flyer last week detailing the theme of each day, but here it is again in case you missed it:
Monday- Disney Day
Tuesday- Color Day (pink/purple for us)
Wednesday- Pajama and crazy hair day
Thursday- Celebration of Chinese New Year
Friday- Don Bosco’s Feast Day- we will have liturgy in the morning, so please make sure students come in full dress uniform for this day.
Because we have such a busy week this week and I anticipate the students being tired after school, I have chosen not to assign homework.
As always, if you have any questions please email me! Have a great week.