Weekly Update 5/13/19

Good afternoon! Just a few updates for this week:

This week we are going over our assessments. This means I will be working with each student to go over reading and math skills. This is so Mrs. Settles has a good idea of where the students are starting going into first grade.

Today, we celebrated the feast day of St. Mary Mazzarello. In addition to this, though, we also celebrated Sister Lena’s 50 years of being a devoted Salesian Sister. The Kinders sang a beautiful song to her and made her a nice card. It was wonderful to see the school celebrating the many years Sister Lena has devoted not only to God, but to children as well.

Yearbooks are still on sale- they are $30 each. Please send either cash or check in your child’s folder, so I can turn it into the office.

We are so close to finishing off our Kindergarten year. I am blessed to have been surrounded by such wonderful, loving, and smart young people (not to mention their parents, too!). As we finish off the school year, I ask that you continue to work on sight words and promotion lines with your student at home. Thank you so much for all the support you have given me throughout the year!

Have a great week!