Welcome Back, Salesian First Grade Families!
/Hello and welcome back to another school year at Salesian!
I am looking forward to another year as Salesian’s First Grade teacher. I can’t wait to have your child in my class. They will grow and learn leaps and bounds this year, but most importantly they are going to have the best time along the way. Your child is in the best hands at Salesian, and I promise to do my best in every way I can to be a part of their every day success.
More information will be sent home throughout this first week and month of school, so keep a look out on our blog and your child’s homework folder!
I am so excited to kick off our year tomorrow at our annual Welcome Back Luau (4-7pm). As a reminder, it is preferred that you stop by our classroom to drop of your child’s school supplies ahead of time. We’d love to have you here with your supplies between 3:30 - 4:00 pm. During this time you’ll also get a chance to meet me if you haven’t already :-) and you and your child can see what their classroom looks like before Monday!
After you drop off your supplies you can wipe the sweat off your forehead, head out to the quad, and begin a night of Luau fun!
Once again, I am thrilled to be your child’s teacher this year. I know it’s going to be a great one.
-Mrs. Settles