Happy First Day of 1st Grade!

Hello Families!

We had a wonderful first day of school today!

I wanted to let you know that your child was sent home with a Red Homework folder. They may use this for homework this year, or they can use a special folder from home if you choose. This folder must come back to school every single day.

Inside their homework folders there are three papers today. A letter from myself, a worksheet for you to fill out, and their behavior logs. I will explain each below:

  • Letter - Get to know Mrs. Settles!

  • Likes + Dislikes - Please fill this out and return it in their homework folders by this Friday August 16th. This helps me get to know your child from your point of view!

  • Behavior Log - The behavior log will go home everyday with a sticker that corresponds with their behavior/clip for the day. If your child receives a yellow or red sticker I will most likely give a little note on their logs to let you know why they might have had a hard time at school that day. I will go over this more during our Back to School Night if you have any questions or concerns! The behavior log must return to school every single day in their homework folder with your initials signed!

Pencil Boxes - If some of you were wondering why a pencil box was not on your supply list, it’s because we are reusing their pencil boxes from Kindergarten. Thank you for understanding!

Tomorrow and later this week I will be sending home a sheet so I can collect your email addresses where I will be able to send home information or timely updates. Once I receive all of your emails I will be able to send out our class sign-ups for parents to help out this year with events and class parties :-)

Can’t wait to continue a wonderful first week of school!

-Mrs. Settles