First Grade News + Updates - May 2019
/Wow! I can’t believe we’re already entering the last month of the school year. So much happens in May so keep your eyes posted on our blog and the school calendar!
Tonight: Food Truck Friday! 6 pm at Salesian $15/person
Monday, May 6th - St. Dominic Savio Liturgy (1st Grade) 11:00 am
Your child is contributing and reading for our Mass this coming Monday! I am sending home our script, with their parts highlighted in yellow. You’ll notice this is very difficult reading for 1st grade level, and I am so proud of all of our students for giving it their best shot! They do not need to memorize their parts, but it would be incredibly helpful if you practiced with them tonight + over the weekend!
Please pack your child’s FULL DRESS UNIFORM in their bags. Since we have swimming in the morning, we will need to change afterwards.
May 6th - May 17th - Renaissance Assessments
May 6th - Look out for a very important packet coming home this coming Monday with the homework. It is your child’s Final Assessment Review Packet. Please work on this packet at home with your child to help them study. We will also be working on a similar packet in class. the Final Assessments will take place May 20th - May 24th.
Friday May 10th - Mrs. Settles out (Substitute) - This is also a minimum day! 12:00 dismissal.
Important Dates for the last week of school:
May 23rd - Kindergarten Promotion 10 am
May 24th - May Crowning + 8th Grade Awards (Begins at 8:30 am)
May 25th - 8th Grade Graduation 2 pm
May 27th (Monday) - NO SCHOOL - MEMORIAL DAY
Last week of school - Minimum Days May 28th-May 30th
8:15 - End of the Year Liturgy
10:45 - 12:00 - End of the Year 1st Grade Party!