Third Grade News and Homework for the Week of October 8, 2018
/Third Grade News and Homework for the Week of October 8, 2018
It was wonderful to see so many of you at Holy Eucharist yesterday for the 10:00 Mass. Father Derrick was very generous and passed around a collection basket for SalesianI hope you had the opportunity to ask your child about their science experiment on density. Students explored how different liquids have different densities and because of these property the liquids can stack on top of each other. This experiment reinforced our first unit in Science on the different tools used in science and the scientific method used to carry out an experiment. There will be an assessment on Wednesday, October 10, on Unit 1/Intro to Science. Look for the study guide in your child’s folder.
We continue our unit on Communities with our focus on the Medieval communities and the feudal system. Last week we focused on the differences of the clothes worn by the nobles and the peasants and how it evolved from early middle ages to the later middle ages. We also explore the hierarchy of the feudal system and the beginnings of the feudal system in England brought over from Normandy by William the Conqueror.
This week are focus will be on the history of knights and how a boy becomes a knight (the dubbing ceremony). In our book Castle Diary The Journal of Tobias Burgess Tobias’ cousin Simon is being knighted after 14 years of being a page and then a squire. Students have become more adept at reading the various maps we have been exploring. We have studied the physical and political maps of Africa identifying rivers, mountains, and the oceans and seas that surround the continent of Africa. Students also identify the various countries that make up the continent of Africa. Students also explore the continent of South America and identify the many landmarks made by man and God in South and Central America. This week we will finish up identifying the various regions of the United States. Students will be assessed on the regions of the United States next week on Wednesday, October 17.
We will be concluding our study of the Order of Mass this week with an assessment on Thursday. Students will be bringing home a study guide to prepare for their assessment on Thursday, October 11. Also, on Thursday students will select a saint from the Middle Ages to report on and then become that saint for our Mass on All Saints Day November 1. More information will be coming home soon about the Mass.
Rosary Night for Tk-4th grade will be on Tuesday,October 23 7:00-8:00. All Students should plan on attending.
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 6, because that is our Night of the Arts. Poems will be coming home this week for students to have memorized. Poems have been selected from the Middle Ages to reinforce our study on that time period.
November 6th is also the end of the 1st trimester. Everyone should have received your child’s progress towards their Accelerated Reading goal. Students had the opportunity to take AR tests today. This Friday, October 12, is a half day. Remember noon dismissal:)
Homework for the Week of October 8, 2018
Spelling: This week in spelling our focus are words with short /i/. Review your pretest and study any words that were misspelled and be ready to take the spelling test on Friday, October 12. Spelling Packets are also due on Friday.
Remember to take 5 words per night and write them at least 3 times each. Say each word aloud and then try to spell it without looking and then check to see if you spelled it correctly. If not, try again until you have mastered the spelling of each word.
Math: Adding and subtracting numbers with up to 4 digits.
Monday 10/8: Workbook 3A/Exercise 12/pp. 51-52. Due tomorrow Tuesday, October 9.
Tuesday 10/9: Workbook 3A/Exercise 14/pp. 55-56. Due tomorrow Wednesday, October 10.
Wednesday 11/10: Workbook 3A/Review 2/pp. 62-65. Due tomorrow Thursday, October 11.
Reading: Read every night a book of your choice and record minutes on your reading log. All students should have 80 minutes logged on reading log by Friday, October 12:)