We have been reviewing and clarifying information for the test. Students were told to study about half of the assigned information tonight and the other half tomorrow.
Music Homework
Mr. Marheineky assigned the following work for the students which was due last week:
Assignment: Identify your favorite song. Write a paragraph explaining why you like the song, talk about the artist and/or band, Write out the lyrics to the song.
The deadline was extended to tomorrow. 9/14. Students were reminded about this assignment before leaving school. Several finished while they waited for carpool.
Salesian Fun Day at St. Francis High School. Friday, September 16th
Here are a few helpful points for Salesian Fun Day at St. Francis on Friday, September 16, 2022:
Arrival at St. Francis
Students are asked to arrive at St. Francis by 8:30am. Salesian Faculty will arrive between 8:00am and 8:15am and will need to park and get to the arrival area to meet their students. Please abide by the 8:30 am arrival time.
Students are to find their teacher upon arrival and remain with her to line up with their class.
Attire for the day and Supplies
Students are asked to leave their water bottles home. St. Francis will provide water for everyone.
Students are to wear their Salesian Spirit Shirt, school shorts, school socks and school tennis shoes.
St. Francis High School will provide snacks and lunch for the children, teachers and chaperones
Student Emergency Cards and Student personal medications will be kept in the school office of St. Francis. Sr. Carmen and the Teachers will have access to this information should a need arise.
Student Attendance & Reporting
Salesian Fun Day is geared toward fun and camaraderie, but it is considered a school day. Students not attending will be marked absent.
Students are required to report to their teacher at timed intervals. Each teacher will have a flag with their class grade on it. Each time the flag goes up, the students are to check in with their teacher. This is a safety precaution.
Please remind your children about behavior, courtesy, fair play and a spirit of gratitude, thankfulness toward everyone at St. Francis that day.
Departure from St. Francis
We will meet for dismissal outside the gates of the basketball court off to the right-hand side at 12:45. Classes will be seated as we do for Assembly. Mrs. Henderson and Coach Croghan will be working the carpool as we do here at school. Hopefully, we will be able to move the traffic efficiently.
Parents are asked to arrive at St. Francis between 12:45pm and 1:00pm.
Parents, please don’t park across the street at the Church to take your child from line. Children will be dismissed only from the carpool line.
If Chaperones park at the Church in the morning, they will be required to cross the street alone and join the carpool line to pick up any children from where they are assembled.