History Project (Due 3/24/2022)

6th Grade World History Pyramid Presentation Project Outline 

(35 points Due Thursday 3/24/2020)

Pyramids around the World Project Directions: Use your textbook, online resources and your Pyramids around the world internet search assignment to create a slide presentation on 5-7 different pyramids that can still be found today. Remember, the pyramids do not have to be built by ancient civilizations; for this project you can also research modern day pyramids like the ‘Rock n Roll’ hall of fame for example.

For Each Pyramid You Must:

  • Tell which civilization or country built the Pyramid

  • Tell when the Pyramid was completed (approximately) 

  • Tell what the Pyramid was used for ( or theory for its use) 

  • Have an image of each Pyramid you choose 

  • Tell the present-day location of the Pyramid

You must have a title slide at the start (5 points) and resource slide at the end (5 points) of your presentation (both count towards the total amount of slides).