Class News

Dear Parents,

Here are a few bits of news for this month.

MARIAN SHRINE We began sending our class Marian Shrine home to families. Once family name is drawn from our list and that family receives the shrine for an evening. We encourage you to take your family selection as a special sign of blessing from Our Lady and ask that you take time in the evening to gather together before Her to pray the rosary. Heaven knows we need Her intervention and She Herself has asked us to pray the rosary for world peace and for the graces and intervention we need. however, you don’t have to wait for the class Shrine to visit your home. Each of the students made a shrine in class. Every family already has your very own Shrine. The children will be very proud to have the family pray together in front of their personal Shrine!

HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL We will be holding our annual Halloween Carnival on Monday, October 31st. The organizers are asking that each family bring in a nut-free variety bag of candy - chocolates, lollipops, etc. Please have the children bring in their bags no later than Friday, October 21st. Thank you in advance for helping the children have lots of fun at the Carnival.

ALL SAINTS DAY MASS The sixth graders are in charge of the school Mass for November 1st, the feast of All Saints. We are workin on selecting saints who will be highlighted during the Mass and on making the celebration truly a celebration of faith and family. All of our Moms and Dads are invited to join us. Mass is scheduled for 11:00 AM.

EL DIA DE LOS MUERTOS During November, the class will participate in a cultural event - El Dia de Los Muertos. In October, we will research the meaning of the day, tis customs, traditions, art and celebrations. We will cap the event with a viewing of the Disney film Coco - popcorn included!

We may need some help in getting the movie Coco, the popcorn and maybe a special cookie! Any volunteer?Thank you!