YOSEMITE!!! Here we come!!

Things to Remember:

Sunday- Hope Thrift Parking Lot at 6:40 am.

Eat breakfast before you come.

You may bring snacks for the car ride.

Bring around $20. The main purpose for this is a meal on our way home. Other spending opportunities will be: snack purchases at convenience store during drive, and museum gift shop.

Wear comfortable clothes and shoes (not flip flops) for sitting in the car.

We should arrive back to Hope Thrift on Wednesday somewhere around 5-6 pm. We will call you with updates as we travel.


In Your Backpack:

water bottles -2




medications- show any medications to Mrs. Macy when you get to Hope Thrift




jacket or sweatshirt

car travel games

no electronics

money-put it in a safe place

Camping Rocks!