Dear Second Grade Parents,
Here is the schedule for Tuesday, August 25th:
9:15 - 9:30 Handwriting - page 15 letters g and j
9;30 - 10;00 Religion - Know that Jesus is God's best gift to us.
Religion Book pages 10 and 11
10;00 - 10;30 Phonics - Read words with closed syllables. on p. 21 of the Phonics to Reading work
read "The Joke Book"
10:30 - 10:50 BREAK 10:50 - 11:40 Math - Count on and count back; Find number patterns Math workbook pages 26 and 27
11:40 - 12:30 English - Question sentences begin with: How,What, When, Where, Why, and Who. (white board)
12:30 - 1:00 LUNCH
1:00 - 1:45 Social Studies - " In and Around the City" Text pages 24 to 27
1:45 - 2:15 Science - Learn which tools magnify things. Text pages 16 and 17
2:15 - 2:30 Story Time
This week, on p. 21 in the Phonics to Reading workbook, are the words to drill with your child. Thank you, Sister Jean