Third Trimester

We have made it!! We are on the last trimester of school. Only a little more than 50 days and school will be finished. I hope and pray that you have had a good beginning to this Lenten season in the church. I have no doubt that this trimester will fly by.


  • March 14: NO SCHOOL - Diocesan Teacher Development day

  • March 19 - School Mass for St. Joseph’s Feast Day

  • March 28 - 2nd grade will lead Stations of the cross at Morning Assembly

  • March 28 - Color Run

  • April 4 - Province Gratitude Day Mass

Their new spelling list should have gone home with them on Friday. If not, here are the words that we are working on this week. They are super easy and the kids already knew how to spell most of them when I gave them out on Friday. This week we are focusing on the r-controlled vowels -er, -ir, and -ur. Those are all used in words that might be confusing to the students in that they sound the same.

  1. bird

  2. burn

  3. girl

  4. her

  5. hurt

  6. never

  7. nurse

  8. shirt

  9. third

  10. winter

  11. better

  12. away

  13. change

  14. learn

  15. through

This trimester the students will be taught Math by Sr. Jaden and so our daily schedule will change slightly in that she will come in to teach Math right after morning assembly, so our Religion time will be moved later in the morning.

If you have any questions, please send me an email.