Spring Schedule!
/Hello Parents!
We made it through the 2nd Trimester and we are now trying to both keep on this learning incline AND land this school year! As you know I am also teaching 1st Grade ELA and we have dropped our nap. I wanted to show you how that basically works for the kids Spring Schedule.
Ms. Lenz - Before School and Assembly
Ms. Lenz - Morning ELA Reading and Writing, Math Workbook and either Social Studies or Science 8:15-10:45
Mrs. M - AM Snack, Bathroom, Play, Calendar and Story Time/Oral Language (While Ms. Lenz teaches 1st ELA)
Mrs. Lenz - Wrap up Mrs. M Lesson and/or Math Facts
Mrs. M and Mrs. Lenz: Lunch (Mrs. M play)
Mrs. M and Mrs. Lenz: Audio Literature (heads down, bathroom, water, aide)
Mrs. M and Mrs. Lenz: Benchmark Reading Groups
Mrs. Lenz: Religion
Mrs. Lenz: If there is any time left, enrichment play or crafting
Mrs. Lenz: Carpool
The Kinders also have PE, Art, Life Lab, Chapel, Special Holidays
All My Best, Ms. Shannon Lenz