Happy Healthy New Year!
/Kinder Friends and Family,
I hope this finds you well and ready to jump into some serious learning! The Kinders have been primed and rested! We are really, really ready to take on the task of learning to read! We are also set to understand numbers 1-100 with our “100th Day of School” on the way! Get ready to watch them explore logic and ordering and all kinds of important skills! During the months of January and February we will talk about kindness in our hearts and actions. We will talk about those is our community, both famous (MLKjr) and not (1st Responders) that our helpers around us and from History. You will also see packets from our Religion text start to come home. These are a great way, Catholic or not, to know what little seeds of faith we are planting here. In Science we will talk about our weather and winter animals with their habitats.
All My Best,
Ms. Shannon Lenz
Mon. 8th - Back To School
Tues. 9th - PE
Wed. 10th - Library
Thurs. 11th -PE and Spirit Day Shirts
Friday 12th - NO SCHOOL!!!! Thank you MLK Jr.
Monday 15th - NO SCHOOL!!! Thank you MLK Jr.