Greetings From Day Two!

Hello Again!

I don’t promise to write every day but for now this seems the best place that all families have access to. We had another fun day and the kids are all picking up so quickly on how to move about our school and room! What fun they all are!

Ask them about: What does Mrs. Lenz say to get the class’ attention? (Class, class, class….Yes, yes, yes. OR….Hocus Pocus….Everybody Focus….OR 3, 2, 1…Blast off…Penguins attention!) We also worked on the first line of The Pledge with hands over hearts and The Sign of The Cross. Kids also started to learn the song “God Is A Good God!” Our story and directed drawing for today was “Our School Is A Family.” Today was the second day of school, so we worked on the number 2! The first 100 days of school are always important to the little grades for counting.

As a school, we celebrated the ribbon cutting of the new big kids, giant spiderweb play structure!

Tomorrow will be our first full day including lunch, siesta/nap and PE all for the 1st time this year! For siesta, your child should bring in their nap mat from last year OR purchase one from me for $35 OR bring in a beach towel/small pillow, pillowcase until you purchase a mat. Please NO extra stuffies, pillows, sleeping bags, etc. Mats will come home on Friday for washing and return on Monday for use.

All snacks and lunches will be kept in our personal lunch boxes and water bottles should be placed in our water bottle boxes in the AM for easy access.

Lost and Found: I will do my best each day to gather what I know is yours in the AM. If it is labeled, it will make its way back. Right now in my own home we are labeling each night as things are packed up, so I know this is a big undertaking (x4 in my case).

If you did your Summer Learning Packets that Ms. Jones assigned, please do send them in for me to record. I would love to reward those that did this with both a grade and a treat.

We have already had a few accidents with the bathroom and food, so please also send in a change of pants, undies and socks for us to keep for your student’s needs. This makes it MUCH easier on both your child and the staff that are available to help them while I am teaching.

Feel free to email me with personal questions or helpful news about you and yours. I very much look forward to knowing you all more on this adventure.


Mrs. Shannon Lenz “Lenz Like My Glasses”