Week of 3/29/21

Good morning parents!

I hope you had a nice weekend. We have a few updates for this week:

This Wednesday, March 31st, is our free-dress day for all students with March birthdays. Please remember to follow the free-dress guidelines outlined in the student handbook. For your reference, you can find the handbook here.

This Thursday, April 1st, is a half-day, so dismissal is at noon. As you will see on our homework outline, we will not have homework this Thursday.

Easter Break begins Friday, April 2nd, and ends April 9th. We will resume class with home-learning on Monday, April 12th. If you have not already done so, please notify me ASAP if your child needs to take home their Chromebook for home-learning. I will be sending out a home-learning outline on Sunday April 11th, so please look out for that.

If you have any questions, please let me know! Have a great week,

Miss Jones