/Dear Salesian Families,
I am so excited to be welcoming you back to another new school year! Although the start of school may not look like we want it to, I am enthusiastic about our plan to bring our students education through home learning.
II understand that starting kindergarten through home learning is going to pose some challenges- so, before we begin, I want to make it clear that I am here to support both your student and your family in any way possible. Unfortunately, due to the situation with the pandemic, we have experienced setbacks with acquiring our Chromebook devices for our TK and Kindergarten classes. We will let you know as soon as these devices come in- in the meantime, we ask that you use whatever devices you have at home for the start of the school year. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will work with your situation.
Our first three days of school will be half-days- so, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we will end at 12:00. These days are meant to ease our students back into their academic routines, as well as introduce class rules and procedures. I will send home a detailed schedule for these days when I see you on Saturday for the supplies pickup.
Here at Salesian, we place strong values on the principles of family, and that has never been more clear than it is now as we navigate through uncertain times. You have chosen a school in which the student is taught as a whole person through reason, religion, and loving-kindness, rather than just as an academic being. It has been important to us, as a school, that this mission continues whether we are at home or in the classroom. I am looking forward to what this new school year will bring!!
Miss Jones
Daily Schedule-
Seesaw Introduction-
Google Form-