Weekly Update 9/3/2019

I hope you are all enjoying today's holiday! I wanted to send you an email early this week to give you plenty of time to prepare for this weeks updates:

This Wednesday, September 4th, we will begin swimming in PE. Students should come to school with their bathing suits on underneath their PE uniforms (for girls, this means one-piece bathing suits). Please send them with a swim-bag containing: swim caps (for girls), towel, goggles, swim shoes (to be worn while in the pool area), and a change of under clothes. The students will be changing back into their PE uniforms after swimming.

We will need at least four parents to volunteer to get into the pool with the students. I believe I had two parents sign up during back-to-school night, so we only need two more. Our PE time is 10:50-11:40 both Wednesday and Friday. Please email me if you are available to help. If we do not have enough parent helpers, the students will not be able to swim.

This Friday, September 6th, is our Grandparent's Day mass at 11:00 am in the Chapel. If they are available, please invite your student's grandparents to join us as we celebrate the very special relationship we hold with them. We will also be sending home special invitations from the students this week. Traditionally, we invite families to bring a picnic lunch to enjoy together after mass; it should be noted, however, that you are free to leave with your child after mass. I will have a sign-out sheet in the classroom should you choose to do this.

This week we are also hosting the annual book fair in the cafeteria! The students will have the opportunity to go to the book fair during our scheduled library time (2:10-2:50 on Wednesday) as well as during recess, to browse and purchase items if they would like. Please send your student with cash if they plan on purchasing anything.

Finally, we are very lucky to welcome Sister Chantal, the Major Superior from Rome, to our school. She will be arriving tomorrow morning, and the students will be welcoming her during morning assembly as well as during mass on Friday. If you are available to join us either of these days, please feel free! All are welcome.

Enjoy this last day off and have a great week!

-Miss Jones