Weekly Update 4/8/2019
/Good morning parents!
Only one more full week of school before Spring Break! We have quite a few updates for this week:
Starting tomorrow, Tuesday the 9th, we start swimming again in P.E. As you probably remember from the beginning of the year, we cannot go swimming if we do not have at least 5 volunteers with us. So far, I have two parents officially signed up to get in the pool with us tomorrow. I will be sharing the google document I had printed at the parent-teacher conferences to all your emails, so you can go in and sign up for any days you are available. Please remember to send your student with their swim suits (one-pieces for the girls) under their PE uniforms, goggles, swim caps, towels, and swim shoes. They should also have a change-of-clothes with them for after PE.
This Wednesday, April 10th, at 7:00 pm is our SPA meeting. If you are available, please attend for important information.
This Friday, April 12th, we have the pleasure of leading the school in our Stations of the Cross devotion. This will begin right after morning assemble and go until about 8:30 am. Please join us if you can!
Just as a heads-up, there will be no homework sent out next week. We really only have Monday-Wednesday (Thursday the middle school shows us the Passion Play) for lessons, so there will be no need for homework.
Next Monday, April 15th, student council is holding auditions for the talent show. A few of our students are signed up to audition, so please remember that anything they need for their act needs to be sent with them to school (music, costumes, or props). They do not need to be wearing their costumes, they just need to bring them so they can be approved.
Finally, I was able to provide most of you with sign-up information for the bridge program I am holding the last week of July. I have sent home the information in the folders of the students whose parents I was not able to meet with, so if you are interested please send back the sign-up sheet ASAP.
Thank you all so much, and have a great week!