Weekly Update 12/16/19
/Hello parents!
Here we are at the last week of school before Christmas break. I only have a few reminders for you this week:
Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 17th, Sister Carmen is hosting a very special luncheon in the Sisters’ dining room for all the students who raised the most money for our Turkey Trot fundraiser. I will be sending home flyers for the students in our class who achieved this in their folders, so please look out for those (and don’t pack a lunch for tomorrow!)
This Wednesday, December 18th, we will be having our class Christmas party. We will start at 2:00 and we have treats, crafts, and a movie for the kids to enjoy. Additionally, for $1, students may wear a fun Christmas sweater (or Christmas-themed outfit) as well as jeans.
Finally, I would like to remind you that this Thursday, December 19th is a half-day and we will be spending the day at St. Francis High School preparing for our Christmas play. Please send your student in their PE uniform, make sure they have a snack and a water bottle, and remember to pick them up at 12:00. Our Christmas play will start at 7:00 that night at St. Francis, but we do ask that you bring your student at 6:30 in order to get them dressed and in place. We cannot wait to show you this very special performance we have prepared for you.
As we continue in this season, I would like to thank you again for all your love and support. I am truly honored to be able to teach and care for your little ones, and I count my blessings for them every day. I hope you all have a blessed, wonderful Christmas season with your families as we celebrate the birth of our Lord.
Merry Christmas, and have a wonderful week,
Miss Jones