Weekly Update 11/25/19

Good morning parents,

I only have a few updates this week as we have such a short one!

Today, we will be having our Friendship Feast at 12:00 pm with the first grade. Our parent volunteers who signed up at the beginning of the year to coordinate the event have organized all the food and utensils so now all we need are the kids! If you are available to join us, we would love to have you.

Tomorrow, Tuesday November 26th, is a half-day so dismissal will be at noon. Additionally, we have mass at 11:00-12:00 to celebrate all the thanks we have for God. If you are available, all are welcome!

I would like to wish you all a warm, blessed Thanksgiving. As we spend this time thanking God for our families, I would like you all to know how thankful I am to have your children as my students. I am constantly in awe of their creativity, independence, and ambitiousness. I truly am blessed to be apart of such a wonderful, supportive community. Thank you!

Have a wonderful week,

Miss Jones